Selamat Hari Raye kepada pembaca setia ku.. soo the story lives on.. today (23rd september 2009) ku telah kuar ngan my darling pagi tadi.. besh sangat!! i think the bestest date yet to come ater this.. hehehe... sooo the story begin mlm smlm.. kita org plan nak g shopping hehehe... best gler... tp x jd pun shopp.. instead we watch movie... guess cter pe... cter UP... hehehe... and cter G-FORCE hehehe... agak laa mmg ceria habis both movie...
Sooo pagi 2 Keyla lamabat (patut nyer kene denda,.. tp nampak cantik sangat tergoda I hehe.. soo xjd nak denda..) sooo.. she is wearing brown and i were wearing brown.... hmm wee talk like we have never meet before.. sooo.. I hug her!! hehehe agak laa malu jup... tp dah lama tu cam dah biasa jup.. the malu balik...

sooo.. in the movie.. First movie were G-FORCE... cter pasal hamster cam bionik or sumthing.... that has been turn into a secret spy thingy.. sooo dorang kene save the world.. hehehe... the sambil tgk 2 ku curi tgk dier... comel nyer!!!.. hehehe.. then i lean my head to her sholuders... myb dier x selesa.. soo dier bagi alasan "abg nanti sakit kepala baru taw" heheh lawak tul.. hehehe... (sory sayang)... sooo.. afetr that we went lunch together.. whole there was hell of that place... ramai gler org... tp luckly we get a place..
soo she bought laksa and i bought Nasi Goreng Balacan.. agak arr xde belacan pun... hehehe... sooo... then wee talk and talk.. (keyla makan comot!! sah2 keyal comot).. soo kita org lamabt kuar dari food court to... soo as we jalan ke masjid KLCC opss... dah half way cter baru teringat... dating kita org kat KLCC.. hehehe...
sooo.. the next movie was 2.20p.m hehehe and my watch showed 2.16p.m.. hehehe xpe yang penting solat!!!
soo masuk movie UP lambat.. heheh xpe sayang xmarah pun.. hehehe... then half way mmg best laa.. cter pasal bdk nie... heheeh mmg mengembara habis laa.. u guys should check it out... heheeh.. soo.. after that her dad called... suh balik... hehehe.. mmg pelik laa... sedih pun ada bile dgr cam 2.. then we bought McFlurry Oreo.. hehehe.. we sit and have a long chat...
she was quite upset by then.. having to leave me... mmg berat nak tinggalkan Keyla... I wish in my Heart that today will never end... but apa kan daye masa x akan kembali.. and hope she will always be with me... soo ku teman keyla sampai gombak... mmg jauh.. tp ku relakan daripada tunggu 2 bln lbh baik lambt sejam... =_____=...
As a conclusion.. today was the best day ever.. g date... ada menda baru yang sayang wat.. hehehe... walaupun demam ku tempuhi jua... sampai klang kul 7.15p.m... hehehe...xpe laa mmg puas hati laa... xterkata dah I Love U kat keyla... ALLAH je tahu betapa cinta nyer ku kat dier... sooo... ku bersyukur... dan berharap... agar rancangan yang dirancang berjalan seperti ape yang dirancang.. insyaallah... moga diberkati hubungan kami.... abg mintak maaf kalo ada yang terlebih atau terkurang ek.. To SITI NURUL AQILAH BT ABD HALIM -----> I LOve U..
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