Selamat kepada pembaca blog ku... huhuhu.. sooo it's been a while since i last blogging... hmmm wat's up with me... there's a lot of story banging my head it's just i do not wnt to tell here for a while... hehehe.. soo me.. my life is wonderful.. and i have a gurl that cares for me.. and love me(cuba lah teka sape??).. i have a family that looks after me.. i have friends that helps me.. soo hmm... agak laa mmm seronok...
sooo pagi tadi... i went to masjid Jamek.. hmm i still wonder why it is call Jamek not Jamak or Jemak??.. pelik kan.. hehehe... soo i went there with my family by Putra LRT.. soo it's my parents first tyme on board of a LRT... hehehe... my dad was soo excited.. hehehe... soo we shop for about 2 hours.. heheeh.. penat ooo... jalan jauh2.. hehehe... a lot of stuff was bought... hmmm.. soo... wat's next.. hmm tahun nie xde semangat raye... tah xtaw nape.. agaknyer dah beso gajah kowt.. sooo semangat raye xde.. hehehe... been bz lately.. with work.. exam pun dah dekat... kata nak dapat dekan sooo kene work hard!! hheheehe...
hmm... lastly... to all my friends selamat berpuasa... and to the bloggers... happy blogging... hehehe... puasa2 nie wat ah amal jariah bnyk skit ea.. semoga dicucri rahmatNYA... hehehe... soo until next tyme.. eh jup to my darling Keyla comot.. luv u!!.. hehehe sooo salam muhibbah salam perpaduan salam ramadhan... hehehe
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