Monday, December 28, 2009

Tiara beach Resort

Salam kepada pembaca setia blog ku.. Hari nie ku berada di Tiara beach resort untuk menghadiri satu kursus dan juga proses menjadi ushawan yang berjaa.. soo.. dalam pada itu aktiviti yang aku join nie dinamakan Perhimpunan Pemimpin Usahawan Pelajar IPTA dari seluruh Malaysia.. seramai 260 org menyertai program ini.. antara universiti yag terilbat ialah UKM,UM,UPSI,UNIMAS,UMK dan beberapa universiti yang laen..

SO hari pertama ku disini amat meletihkan.. berkemunginan perjalanan or myb ku tdo lamaat.. hee.. kami bertolak dari sana dalam pukul 10.55 dah sampai dalam lingkungan 12 lebih.. Tapi malang berbau penat hehe pendaftaran peajar bermula pada pkul 2 petang.. amat la terkecewa kerana tindakan AJK yang tidak efficient.. soo.. aa petang td tiada aktiviti yag berlaku.. kami berjalan2 ditepi kolam renang hehe.. gmbr akan di upload dalam FB n secepat mungkin dalam blog.. hehe.. soo malam nie aku menulis blog nie di hall reception bersama dua rakan ku mecari WiFI.. hehe.. sedih kan hotel nie.. xde WiFi yang sempurna.. hehe...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Seronok Campur Happy

Salam kepada pembaca blogku. It's been a long holiday for me and a lot of thing happned throught out my weekdays. But when it came to weekend, it has become the moment of fun. Masa weekdays banyak kerja dan kemas rumah dan tlg adik, mak, teman ayah untuk latihan bowling and bnyk aktivit lain. Masa weekend, all the hard work was paid with all the loving and rest and things that make our self happy. Tyme weekend je kita leh hang out dengan kawan2, kuar dengan family, we had lunch, share the week talk and the most important thing is kita dapat spend tyme doing almost anything that we want to.

So, yesterday was a tiring day, yesterday morning I went for jogging in the park near my house. After that, I help my father at the office doing his work while waiting for my mom (she is on a seminar yesterday) I had a bit of stress. Sambil2 tu msg My lovely darling Keyla. then saje gurau. Then she askme whether i can make it to Mid Valley Mega Mall today. I text her and said i dont knw. Tp dalam hati dah lame x jumpa nie, redah la. Penat xyah cter la, mmg letih menguap2.

So, I meet her there. She was a goddest. Cantik gler and i was a bit embarrass with her for my clothing. Tp all my tiredness flew away. That her magic to me (jgn kembang ek sayang). So we eat aiskrim and talk. and i meet her sibling. Ika, baby and azim. soit was nice to know them. seronok pun, sbb dorang sporting, especially ika n baby, walaupun baru je jumpa dorang buat lawak macam dah lam kenal. So kene interview ngan Ika n kene perli ngan mereka. Pastu teman azim bli topi jap selipar n mmg he is the money maker in the family. sangat memelih n i hope he will be a person with big bucks. hehe

So itu lah dier my life for the weekend. dah lama pun x taip blog. Saje je star balik. by the way checkout my other blog k HTTP://SEDIH-TAPI-HAPPY.BLOGSPOT.COM .. have fun