Salam batman Forever yang sentiasa Forever.. tp esok g tgk G.I Joe.. ngan hakim sooo.... I love My darling each and each day... tambah2 lak she got most of the characteristic that i want in a wife... soo i promise her to post this shoutout bout the type of the girl that i like.....
sooo.. the story goes on.... the list of 100% tapi keyla ada 98% sahaja...
okie the other 2% is.. hmm yang ini blum lepas agy... jumpa my parents... nak tgk attitude dier... then the way she treat my sibling.... haaa...
hehehe antara ciri2 yang ada dalam dier yang menepati syarat2 hehehe (ni hnya sebahagian xingat semua)
2.comey & cantik
3.budi pekerti
6.xsuka mebazir
7.sentiasa bertanya
8.rajin membuat kita senyum
9.bnyk kerenah
10.senyum sentiasa
11.xmudah putus asa
14.sentiasa ingat Allah
15.sejuk hati bila memandang nyer
17.mudah berkata dgn hikmah dan nasihat
19.suka mengingati pekara2 yang baik
20.suka menimba ilmu dan xjemu
still to come.. hehehe to my hunny bunny... I love U!!!!! keyla comot!! heheehe
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The story goes on
salam kepada kipas yang susah nak mati... asyik sibuk je dgn perkembangan ku.. hehehe.. hmm lately been bz skit... smlm ada discussion about voice of student leaders in UiTM... huhuhu... soo mcm2 masalah yang diusulkan... boleh ar inut nyer diterima.. all the complains and the thought of a leaders is discuss and debated in the hall at DSB (Dewan Sri Budiman).. sooo... wat happend that night... hmm.. while i'm there i text my honey busuk!! hehehe... sooo borak2 cam2... then later that night i got a gatsrik (sbb degil sangat xmakan before g talk malam 2).... then as then dier dah tdo agak nyer... hmm i wonder something if she contiune her study oversea... what happend to our relationship... hmm... soo pagi nie dier text back... (dah agak da tdo mlm td) hmm she want's to get married first (waaa soo happy ma)... hmmm soo good to hear that from her... tp hope dier x fly laaa... kita fly sesama wat master nanti.. hehehe... baru besh!!... soo... i feel her in heart... i talk bout her, sang bout her, eat bout her... sooo most thing i do is bout her.. what else can i dooo... just study je... xyah pening2 nak cari org untuk kawin... sbb i have Siti Nurul Aqilah Binti Abdul Halim!!.. and i loveeeeeee her soooo much!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
do and dont's bout me =rain=
sooo i'm back with a post in my hand to tell the world i love her soooooooooooooo much!!!.. how much???... This much( of course xdpt tgk laa )... hehehe... the do's and dont!!
the do"s...
1. love me as much as u can
2. tell me the truth
3. ask me when u dont noe something
4. always tell me to do something( if benda 2 wajib buat)
5. prvent me from doing unnessesary thing
6. hit me if u want
7. touch me if u can
8. make sure to remind me of solat if i forgot
9. be by my side on up's and down stream of my life
10. if i'm not enough good for u tell me
11. wat's mine is ur's
12. do ask my permisson if u feel unsure
13. force me to do something if i dont want to (cara nyer ulang byk2 kali cam perli la)
1. break my heart
2. lie to me
3. take advantage of the freedom that i give
4. make sure dont leave ur solat
5. ask me too much question at a time
6. if i look very restless do ask
more 2 come.. hehehe
the do"s...
1. love me as much as u can
2. tell me the truth
3. ask me when u dont noe something
4. always tell me to do something( if benda 2 wajib buat)
5. prvent me from doing unnessesary thing
6. hit me if u want
7. touch me if u can
8. make sure to remind me of solat if i forgot
9. be by my side on up's and down stream of my life
10. if i'm not enough good for u tell me
11. wat's mine is ur's
12. do ask my permisson if u feel unsure
13. force me to do something if i dont want to (cara nyer ulang byk2 kali cam perli la)
1. break my heart
2. lie to me
3. take advantage of the freedom that i give
4. make sure dont leave ur solat
5. ask me too much question at a time
6. if i look very restless do ask
more 2 come.. hehehe
bout the first date!! (from my side ea)
salam kepada pembaca yang ku kasihi... hehehe... hmm... sooo hehehe bile di ingatkan sangat gembira... although i'm not feeling that well i tried to give a very good impression on our first date... ok the goes on.... pagi2 ku dari rumah... bangun awal as usual... solat subuh then huru hara jap... hehehe.. sbb mlm 2 ada tahlil arwah kat puchong.. xsempat prepare pape... hehehe... then pagi ahad yang indah itu ku terus berjumpa hakim yang telah amik kereta...( xsbr tul nak jumpa GF dier) hehehe... sooo agak laaa dier tekan sampai 140 km/j untuk sampai ke k.L.. nasib jalan x jam... jam pukul 0830... sooo i called keyla... as usual... dier xangkat.. hehehe hakim dah bengang sebb xtaw nak tunggu kat ner.. hehehe then kita org msuk paking kat K.L sentral 2... Siot je!! mahal dowh... rm 4.00 sejam... mati oo... hehehe... then tunggu laaa bdk kecik nie.. hehehe... nasib dier reti call balik... hek3... then as suprisingly... she look very beautiful... terkesima masa first2 tgk... xterkata... kekok pun... hehehe..
sooo the journey moves on... on the way tu.. i just talk sikit2 je.. cause she is sitting at the back.... hakim lak drove as usual 140 km/j... hehehe... setiba di UKM... pick up Fain... then we went to Putrajaya... to Alamanda... hehehe... soo the dating begins... we seperate from hakim n fain... kita org g makan.. hehehe sangat comey dier makn... makan nasi campur je... sbbb ku sangat laapr n nak nasi... better than eat fast food actually... penghadaman lebih lambat.... my honey makan ikan ( i thought she like chicken)... hmmm... sooo the story goes on...
we went around and around the alamanda... teman my honey shopping ( xsabar nak shopping for raye, at last ada sombody nak help choose bli baju)... hehehe... bli buku fizik.. x taw ngigau pe ingat nak blaja tyme2 nie... hehehe... and the best part is we went to watch the cinema... cube teka citer pe??... hmmm jeng2. jeng2 jeng2... hehehe of course laa cter alien at the attic... hehehe eh gurau je,.... citer The Proposal... sangat laaa best... sbb mcm ada kene mengena ngan kita org( not the whole story laaa, just part of it).. hehehe... masa dalam cinema tu ku curik tgk dier... sangat comey.. sangat2 bahagia... when she smiles she makes my heart stop.......
setiba di UKM semula around 1500... lepak kat fac S&T or kat sana panggil FST.. hehehe... sooo.. g solat selesai yang mana patut... hehehe... dating2 pun solat jangan lupa!!... pentimg oo... then as tunggu fain... we hang out together with hakim yang duk termanggu depan laptop... hahaha... sooo... i fell very happy at that time.. i was sitting beside an angel came from heaven... she look very beautiful... when she talks to me... mcm berbisik.. romentik.. and i was like wow... i can't believe i'm with this gurl that have almost all of the charactersitic that i want in a future wife...
sooo then as wating for the rain to stop... kita org still tunggu fain... then we went to the expo... we ahve a little drink and mkn petang bersama2 rakan2 feci ku.. hehehe abg abas, abg sanche, abg bob, yufi, moon, and kak aida(kak aida lambat)... habis honey aku kene buli ngan dorang... hehehe... then i intrduced her to them... she look very pleasea at that time... hehehe... soo.. rahsia antara feci dah terbongka... hehehe...
tyme balik.... mmg xyah cter laaa.. ngan penat giler.. hehehe my honey ske sangat confident ngan jalan.... hehehe... tyme balik saje je drove perlahan sbb xmau lepas kan dier... snagt sayang kat dier... rasa cam nak peluk je... hehehe... hmmm bkn mahram ea xleh peluk..... hehehe tyme kuar dari keter tu ingat nak cakap I Love U!! but then abg pikir let's make it a special tyme untuk luahkan perkataan itu face-to-face... hehehe.. soo i have to let her go... a kiss at cheek would be nice tp pikir it's too early... sooo save it.. hehehe...
to my darling sayang.... thank u very buch... love u from very bottom of my heart... abg mintak maaf kalau ada terkasar ngan keyla... terpegang keyla ke... it is our first date.... sooo need a lot of improvement from ur side and my side... hehehe... as awak ckp abg xde weakness... actually mmg ada cuma awak xperasan... nanti abg g taw wat izit... hehehe... miss u as u leave that day.. until today still feel the heat of ur body sitting beside me.... sory laa kalo awk tgk abg awak nie comot sangat.. masih dalam improvement.. hehehe... overall u act more than i expected.. peramah ngan kawan2 abg... ngan kak Fain... dier sangat gembira jumpa awak... hehehe... hope u can be with me as long as i live!!...
looks :A+
characteristic: A+
communication skill: A+
sooo the journey moves on... on the way tu.. i just talk sikit2 je.. cause she is sitting at the back.... hakim lak drove as usual 140 km/j... hehehe... setiba di UKM... pick up Fain... then we went to Putrajaya... to Alamanda... hehehe... soo the dating begins... we seperate from hakim n fain... kita org g makan.. hehehe sangat comey dier makn... makan nasi campur je... sbbb ku sangat laapr n nak nasi... better than eat fast food actually... penghadaman lebih lambat.... my honey makan ikan ( i thought she like chicken)... hmmm... sooo the story goes on...
we went around and around the alamanda... teman my honey shopping ( xsabar nak shopping for raye, at last ada sombody nak help choose bli baju)... hehehe... bli buku fizik.. x taw ngigau pe ingat nak blaja tyme2 nie... hehehe... and the best part is we went to watch the cinema... cube teka citer pe??... hmmm jeng2. jeng2 jeng2... hehehe of course laa cter alien at the attic... hehehe eh gurau je,.... citer The Proposal... sangat laaa best... sbb mcm ada kene mengena ngan kita org( not the whole story laaa, just part of it).. hehehe... masa dalam cinema tu ku curik tgk dier... sangat comey.. sangat2 bahagia... when she smiles she makes my heart stop.......
setiba di UKM semula around 1500... lepak kat fac S&T or kat sana panggil FST.. hehehe... sooo.. g solat selesai yang mana patut... hehehe... dating2 pun solat jangan lupa!!... pentimg oo... then as tunggu fain... we hang out together with hakim yang duk termanggu depan laptop... hahaha... sooo... i fell very happy at that time.. i was sitting beside an angel came from heaven... she look very beautiful... when she talks to me... mcm berbisik.. romentik.. and i was like wow... i can't believe i'm with this gurl that have almost all of the charactersitic that i want in a future wife...
sooo then as wating for the rain to stop... kita org still tunggu fain... then we went to the expo... we ahve a little drink and mkn petang bersama2 rakan2 feci ku.. hehehe abg abas, abg sanche, abg bob, yufi, moon, and kak aida(kak aida lambat)... habis honey aku kene buli ngan dorang... hehehe... then i intrduced her to them... she look very pleasea at that time... hehehe... soo.. rahsia antara feci dah terbongka... hehehe...
tyme balik.... mmg xyah cter laaa.. ngan penat giler.. hehehe my honey ske sangat confident ngan jalan.... hehehe... tyme balik saje je drove perlahan sbb xmau lepas kan dier... snagt sayang kat dier... rasa cam nak peluk je... hehehe... hmmm bkn mahram ea xleh peluk..... hehehe tyme kuar dari keter tu ingat nak cakap I Love U!! but then abg pikir let's make it a special tyme untuk luahkan perkataan itu face-to-face... hehehe.. soo i have to let her go... a kiss at cheek would be nice tp pikir it's too early... sooo save it.. hehehe...
to my darling sayang.... thank u very buch... love u from very bottom of my heart... abg mintak maaf kalau ada terkasar ngan keyla... terpegang keyla ke... it is our first date.... sooo need a lot of improvement from ur side and my side... hehehe... as awak ckp abg xde weakness... actually mmg ada cuma awak xperasan... nanti abg g taw wat izit... hehehe... miss u as u leave that day.. until today still feel the heat of ur body sitting beside me.... sory laa kalo awk tgk abg awak nie comot sangat.. masih dalam improvement.. hehehe... overall u act more than i expected.. peramah ngan kawan2 abg... ngan kak Fain... dier sangat gembira jumpa awak... hehehe... hope u can be with me as long as i live!!...
looks :A+
characteristic: A+
communication skill: A+
Monday, August 17, 2009
Tq 2 bdk comot!!
salam perpaduan, salam malam.. hehehe sooo wat's all the mest on my blog!! oh my gosh!! dah transform into block cat.. hehehe... sooo... thnaks to my darling Siti Nurul Aqilah binti Abdul Halim.. hehehe... my first date picture.. sooo... sangat best!! hehehe... hope dapat jumpa agy!!.. nak comotr kan dier... ada 3 denda yang dikenakan kepada dier.. hehehe.. sooo this is life.. hahaha...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Oh MY gosh!! (at last selesai juga masalah)
Selamat pagi wira dan wirawati... hari ini aktiviti seperti biasa... berkumpul di padang kawat pada pukul 0700 selepas itu masuk ke kelas dan pastikan bilik anda dalam keadaan yang elok.. hehehe... itulah kenangna yang mengimbau kembali semasa berada di PLKN sibu, sarawak... selama 3 bulan aku berada disana.... pahit manis masam cuka payau.. semua ada!! hehehe...
aktiviti yang aku jalan pada pagi yang indah ini (indah ke?? cam panas je) ialah g kuar teamn member sekelas aku hakim... but yang best skali jumpa KEYLA!! hahaha... hope aku dapat wat something yang suprisingly akan membuat dier ingat kita org nyer first date!! hehehe.. sooo... rasanyer itu dulu... myb in a few days aku x blog.. xbwk laptop... hehehe...
Jadual untuk minggu depan ea:
isnin: ada kuiz OM, kelas kul 10.30-6.00 petang.. hehehe
selasa: all day round the fac (pack ooo jadual)
rabu: kelas start kul 10.30-2.00 je.. hehehe then balik jup amik kot (blazer) untuk module kepimpinan di DSB (Dewan Sri Budiman).. ehehe
khmis sampai jumaat same je
sabtu: jumpa My darling agy ( private dating ea)
ahad rest sbb dah nak mula puasa... hehehe
aktiviti yang aku jalan pada pagi yang indah ini (indah ke?? cam panas je) ialah g kuar teamn member sekelas aku hakim... but yang best skali jumpa KEYLA!! hahaha... hope aku dapat wat something yang suprisingly akan membuat dier ingat kita org nyer first date!! hehehe.. sooo... rasanyer itu dulu... myb in a few days aku x blog.. xbwk laptop... hehehe...
Jadual untuk minggu depan ea:
isnin: ada kuiz OM, kelas kul 10.30-6.00 petang.. hehehe
selasa: all day round the fac (pack ooo jadual)
rabu: kelas start kul 10.30-2.00 je.. hehehe then balik jup amik kot (blazer) untuk module kepimpinan di DSB (Dewan Sri Budiman).. ehehe
khmis sampai jumaat same je
sabtu: jumpa My darling agy ( private dating ea)
ahad rest sbb dah nak mula puasa... hehehe
Friday, August 14, 2009
Mcm Tahi je!!
salam hormat kepada pembaca setia blog ku.... hmm soo ari nie aku kat umah ari jumaat malam sabtu.. blek umah sbb takut weekends xdpt balek... hehehe sooo... it's gonner be a bz week for me this weekend.. sbb aku ku dah jadi SMF!! (Saketeriat Mahasiswa Universiti) untuk fac aku.. hahaha... walaubagaimana pun malam esok aku ada tahlil CLASH!! ngan dinner persembahan.. waaa!!! seday seh!!.. hmm then ahad teman Hakim jumpa Gf dier!! then all of the sudden my Gf just text me kata balik esok!! sooo Cam ner nie!! nak jumpa Sape dulu nie!! waaa... pening ma!!! sooo sape kisah pasal kesihatan yang xmenentu nie..... hmmm sooo hopefully i enjoy this moment while it last!!.. hehehe kepada semua org aku sangat letih sekarang... ada dak ubat yang belh menolong ilangkan keletihan ini... waaa.... hmm nest week ada test OM (operation managemant)... then quiz arab!! aaaa!! mati ooo... test english agy!! waa... assingment OM and MGT waa!! banyk gler!! hehehehe ini lah hobby ku di masa lapang!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
One team One spirit
Salam rindu kepada pembaca blogku.. hehehe sudah lama ku tidak meluahkan ape yang terpendam didalam hatiku... mmg gian nak blogging tp apakan daya internet di bilik tidak membenarkan ku untuk memblog... hahaha..
sejak dua menjak nie aku da bz skit... tp masih dalam sudut yang membosankan... hehehe.. gmbar2 yang terdapat dalam post nie adalah gmbr dari kem perlok sungkai perak dimana kita org budak2 finance part one nie... g menjalani induksi (lebih kurang la induksi.. tp xde gaye pun... heheh).. sooo kita org bertolak kul 4 ptg (7 ogos 2009).. hehehe... lebih parah... aku xleh tido dalam bus.. hehehe... agak enjoy disana pabila semua sporting gile.. akak2 and abg2 feci finance yang comey2 n mocho... hehehe..
sooo the day went onnn until today.. soo.. baru blek dari SMF!! hahah ku dapat SMF(saketeriat Mahasiswa Fakulti).. best oo... semua sproting giler... tp xtaw lagi kerja2 yang bakal aku lalui... harap study xterbengkalai laa.... susah la jadi pemimpin nie.. hehehe hmm ti ahad nie nak g UKM!! jumpa kak wanie tersayang.. hahaha.. then g tgk wayang kowt ngan member2 ku... hahaha.. sewa keter satu harii maaa... hehehe to my darling Siti Nurul Aqilah Bt Abdul Halim hehehe wit all my heart I love u!!
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