1 If you understand,say "understand". If you don ' tunderstand, say "don ' t understand".But if you understand and say "don ' tunderstand". How do I understand thatyou understand? Understand!
2 .I wish to wish the wish you wish towish, but if you wish the wish thewitch wishes, I won ' t wish the wishyou wish to wish.
3 .Sounding by sound is a sound methodof sounding sounds.
4 .A sailor went to sea to see, whathe could see. And all he could see wassea, sea, sea.
5 .Purple Paper People, Purple PaperPeople, Purple Paper People.
6 .If two witches were watching twowatches, which witch would watch whichwatch?
7 .I thought a thought. But thethought I thought wasn ' t the thoughtI thought I thought. If the thought Ithought I thought had been the thoughtI thought, I wouldn ' t have thoughtso much.
8 .Once a fellow met a fellow in afield of beans. Said a fellow to afellow, "If a fellow asks a fellow,Can a fellow tell a fellow What afellow means?"
9 .Mr Inside went over to see MrOutside. Mr Inside stood outside andcalled to MrOutside inside. Mr Outsideanswered Mr Inside from inside andTold Mr Inside to come inside. MrInside said "NO", and told Mr Outsideto come outside. MrOutside and MrInside argued from inside and outsideabout going outside or coming inside.Finally, Mr Outside coaxed Mr Insideto come inside, then both Mr Outsideand Mr Inside went outside to theriverside.
11 .The owner of the inside inn wasinside his inside inn with his insideoutside his inside inn.
12 .If one doctor doctors anotherdoctor does the doctor who doctors thedoctor doctor the doctor the way thedoctor he is doctoring doctors? Ordoes the doctor doctor the way thedoctor who doctors doctors?"When a doctor falls ill anotherdoctor doctor ' s the doctor. Does thedoctor doctoring the doctor doctor thedoctor in his own way or does thedoctor doctoring the doctor doctorsthe doctor in the doctor ' s way"
13 .We surely shall see the sun shineshortly. Whether the weather be fine,Or whether the weather be not, Whetherthe weather be cold Or whether theweather be hot, We ' ll weather theweather Whatever the weather, Whetherwe like it or not. watch? Whether theweather is hot. Whether the weather iscold. Whether the weather is either ornot. It is whether we like it or not.
14 .Nine nice night nurses nursingnicely.
15 .A flea and a fly in a flue Saidthe fly "Oh what should we do" Saidthe flea" Let us fly Said the fly"Letus flee" So they flew through a flawin the flue.
16 .If you tell Tom to tell a tongue-twister his tongue will be twisted astongue-twister twists tongues.
17 .Mr. See owned a saw.And Mr. Soarowned a seesaw. Now See ' s saw sawedSoar ' s seesaw Before Soar saw See,Which made Soar sore.Had Soar seenSee ' s saw Before See sawed Soar ' sseesaw, See ' s saw would not havesawed Soar ' s seesaw. So See ' s sawsawed Soar ' s seesaw.But it was sadto see Soar so sore Just because See 's saw sawed Soar ' s seesaw.
18 Peter Piper picked a peck ofpickled peppers.Did Peter Piper pick a peck ofpickled peppers?If Peter Piper picked a peckof pickled peppers, where ' s thepeck of pickled peppers Peter Piperpicked?