Today was the most tiring day.. hmmm.. first i went to the Bank Islam untuk bayar bil UITM.. then theres was a lot of people.. it was crowded in there.. and most of them are matrik students... as i saw a few of them... hehehe..
kemudian g maen bowling at Ole-ole(pe la name tempat tu pelik sangat)... hmm ada latihan.. agak ar.. tangan nie mcm xmau terima je balingan yang dibuat.. rasa cam xmau main je.. hmmm then we went looking for a motocycle... hmm.. xpernah bli motor.. and xde lesen motor pun.. keh3... sooo what is the topic all about... mengapa dan kenapa???
in life people keep asking why and why??.. things happend as they speak... all the occurence happend is the cause of our past time behaviour.. kekadang result kita teruk sebb kita xstudi... kita gagal dalam percintaan sbb kita xpernah lakukan pekara extraordinary for the person we love... pernahkah kita bertanya.. apakah tujuan kita hidup didunia ni??!!.. rasanya most of us xpernah taw pun kenapa kita didunia nie.. hmm.. i also wonder somestimes...
Mengapa is a common world for people who often fails to get the result that they want.. soo... we should think bout kenapa n mengapa kita ada didunia ini... sooo jangan lah lalai kawan2ku... kepada kawan2 seagama ku pintu taubat masih terbuka,,, maka jika kita tersesat maka segerakan lah taubat itu.. for others if we think the things that we do is wrong so stop doing it... in this world people do make mistake.. ada mulut jaga, ada tangan rasa, ada otak lu pikir la sendiri ok..